Kobe University Research Center for Urban Safety and Security Research Center for Urban Safety and Security      都市安全研究センター
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RCUSS, Kobe University
Cooperative Department
RCUSS, Kobe Univ. Cooperative Department

  Activities Staffs Projects
Research Activities and Projects

(1) Disaster Emergency Medicine

DMAT (Disaster Medical Assistance Team) and Disaster Emergency Response
a) Training and mobilization of emergency medical professionals
b) Medical education and training of community-based emergency personnel

(2) Health Science for Disaster Reduction

During disasters, the loss and trauma directly affect people. Particularly, the mental and physical effects on vulnerable people, such as infants, the elderly, and persons with disability are serious. We investigate the practical health needs of victims and assist them by improving environments, preventing infections, and providing trauma care, even in the chronic phase from the international viewpoint.

(3) Disaster Mental Health

Our department investigates mental disorders and mental health system to support activities of people affected by disasters. Our mission is to develop useful tools for prevention and recovery of mental disorders.      

(4) Humanities for Disaster Reduction

We have the experimental workshops which should drive forward the recovery in the damaged area (Ofunato city) of the Great East Japan Earthquake. The alternative methodology of the empowerment of the resident for the sustainable development are being pursued through the fieldworks including the volunteer students. We pay attention to the role of "stranger", in particular.

(5) Social Systems for Disaster Reduction

What is the “safety” as the goal of a Disaster Resilient Society?   This group aims at identifying the elements of a well-balanced institutional relation between public aid (government), mutual aid (community-based), and self-aid (households) to realize the disaster resilient society, through the comparative studies of laws and ordinances, administrative plans, and participatory frameworks.

(6) Disaster Economics Evaluation

Economic activities are run by interaction of various agents, people, firms, etc. They are forced to change drastically in face to unexpected disaster. I study the consequence of change in behavior of people and firms using input-output analysis.

(7) Disaster Documents Studies and Local Historical Documents Studies

(7) International Disaster Risk Reduction Management

Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) is a mainstreaming issue of developing countries in cooperation with international society. Therefore, the group is aiming to; a) internationally disseminate knowledge on large-scale disasters and DRR measures in Japan and,
b) study and share cases of large disasters in developing countries among them, in order to promote their DRR and development efforts.

(9) Asia Disaster Risk Reduction Management

Contributing to strengthen the Disaster Risk Reduction Activities of Asian countries, most frequently attacked by natural disasters in the world by
a) disseminating knowledge such as lessons learned from past disasters and DRR system of Asian countries
b) cooperating on capacity building and enhancing public awareness.

(1) Disaster Emergency Medicine

Professor:Joji Kotani
Associate Professor:Isamu Yamada

(2) Health Science for Disaster Reduction

Professor:Hisako Izumi
Associate professor:Sayaka Kotera

(3) Disaster Mental Health

(4) Humanities for Disaster Reduction

Professor:Kouji Matsuoka

(5) Social Systems for Disaster Reduction

Professor:Yuka Kaneko

(6) Disaster Economics Evaluation

(7) Disaster Documents Studies and Local Historical Documents Studies

Professor: Hiroshi Okumura
Associate Professor: Keita Yoshikawa

(8) Intermational Disaster Risk Reduction Management

Visiting Researcher (Professor): Daimin Hanadate (JICA)

(9) Asia Disaster Risk Reduction Management

Visiting Researcher (Professor):Koji Suzuki