2007年度 神戸大学都市安全研究センター・JICA兵庫国際センター集団研修








      都市安全研究センター、JICA兵庫国際センター 各代表者挨拶

11:30-12:00 研修生自己紹介


 以下 於:神戸大学都市安全研究センター会議室(2階)

13:30-15:45 カントリーレポート発表会

      Algeria by Mr. BOUKRI, Mehdi

               Assistant Researcher, National Center for Applied Research in Earthquake Engineering

      Chile by Mr. FUENTES RAMIREZ, Pedro David Agustin

               Head of Emergency Unit, Regional Health Secretarial (SEREMI), Metropolitan Region

      Columbia by Mr. TINJACA CARDENAS Libardo 

               Coordinator, Directorate for the Prevention and Attention of Emergencies

      India by Ms. NEOGI Chandrani Bandyopadhyay

               Assistant Professor, National Institute of Disaster Management

15:45-16:45  カントリーレポート・質問討議




10:00-12:00 カントリーレポート発表会

      Indonesia by Mr. Wisyanto

               Researcher, Agency for the Assessment and Application of Technology (BPPT)

      Indonesia by Ms. Imun Maemuah

Staff, Earthquake Research Div., Center for Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation (CVGHM), Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources

      Nicaragua by Mr. ALFARO LANUZA Nicolas Enrique

               Head, Cadastral Valuation Department, Environmental Direction, Mayorship of Managua City

      Panama by Mr. DIEZ QUINTERO Antonio Alberto

               Chief, Prevention Department, Civil Protection National System


13:30-15:30  カントリーレポート発表会

      Philippine by Ms. SY Josephine Reyes

               Special Operation Officer, Metropolitan Manila Development Authority

      Philippine by Ms. RUIZ Shelby Acosta

               Civil Defense Officer, Department of National Defense, Office of Civil Defense

      Turkey by Ms. KONUKCU Betul Ergun

Geology Engineer, Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality, Directorate of Earthquake and Ground Analysis

      Venezuela by Mr. BORREGALES RIVERA Anderson

Risk Engineer, Risk Management Direction, National Direction of Civil Protection and Disasters Management


15:30-16:00 質疑応答


